Ronald D. Butler, Esquire first established Ronald D. Butler, P.C. (currently known as Butler Law Firm) on June 4, 1981. Thus, Butler Law Firm has been serving Central Pennsylvania for over thirty years. Then, as now, Ronald D. Butler has focused his practice on serving business clients as well as individuals in the areas of corporate/business law, real estate transactions, wills, trust and estate planning, probate and estate administration, general civil litigation, liquor license transfers, taxation, collection and landlord/tenant law.

In 1998, Ronald D. Butler was thrilled to welcome not one but both of his children into the firm following their graduations from law school. The "new" firm was named Butler Law Firm and has been going strong ever since. Jana Butler Toole focuses her practice on corporate and business transactions, general civil litigation, collection and landlord/tenant law. Benjamin J. Butler specializes in probate and estate administration and taxation and is the (sometimes reluctant) technology guru for the firm.

In 2009, the firm was again blessed with the addition of a new family member, Suzanne M. Butler (wife of Benjamin J. Butler). With her background in social work, Suzanne M. Butler was a natural fit to lead the firm's growing family law practice.

In addition, we currently have relationships with other attorneys who specialize in the fields of personal injury law, medical malpractice, copyright, patent and trademark law.

All of the members of Butler Law Firm are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of professional service and extend an invitation to anyone in the community seeking legal assistance to contact us for a fair and reasoned evaluation of your needs.

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